Casablanca knows how to occupy your childrens
The 2 August 2018
Casablanca knows how to occupy your childrens
Casablanca knows how to occupy children: in its zoological park soon renovated, they will be amazed or impressed by the diversity of animals, between two walks in Morocco Mall, do not miss to take them to the discovery of the giant aquarium.
Not to mention the attractions of Sindibad Park on the ledge, the itinerant circus near the lighthouse of El Hank or the Aquapark where water games will capsize them with happiness. To discover more & nbsp; places for kids, download the app Casabreak.
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI may God assist him, Casablanca Events and Animation is organizing from November 1st to December 19th 2021, the 6th edition of Casamouja by Wecasablanca.
Casamouja is a project that is an integral part of the strategy of attractiveness Wecasablanca. This initiative of the local development company Casablanca Events and Animation, launched in 2016, translates its ambition to democratize art and culture in the public space as well as the beautification of the streets of the metropolis thanks to the creativity of artists who each year amaze the inhabitants and instill new dynamics in the Casablanca neighborhoods.
In parallel to the realization of murals, the program of this edition of Casamouja also offers workshops and happenings broadcast on social networks Wecasablanca.
Mural paintings
The 1st street art district in Morocco and Africa: During this 6th edition, monumental frescoes will finalize the maritime circuit at the Hank with a dozen new frescoes. In parallel, 5 new frescoes will be unveiled in the Hay Hassani district
5 frescoes will be created at the Mother and Child Hospital Abderrahim Harouchi and at the Leisure Center of the public schools of Hay Hassani.
Casamouja SCHOOL
Workshops for the benefit of students and children of associations will be organized at the Cultural Center of Salmia, at the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Culture, at the Leisure Center of the students of the public schools of Hay Hassani, at the Cultural Center of Anfa and at the school AL Bachiri.
Casamouja DAYS
In parallel with the Casablanca Urban Sports Festival, Casamouja invests the Al Amal complex and offers the Moroccan Graffiti community CASAMOUJA DAYS.
Participative animations between Graffiti workshops, dance area for hip-hop dancers, Jams and a musical program (Rap, rock, fusion).
4 animations will be proposed from November 17 to 21 at the Al Amal Complex with:
- The realization of Grafitti on the skate park set up for the Urban Sports Festival of Casablanca,
- A collective wall with 7 artists from several cities: Tangier, Kenitra, Sidi Yahya Al Gharb, Marrakech, Meknes, Rabat and Casablanca.
- A wall of Jam Grafitti with the participation of young artists from Casablanca
- A stage dedicated to contemporary music.
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Wecasablanca, Casamouja proposes a happening on the Mohammed V square to repaint the giant lettering Wecasablanca.
Young Grafitti lovers over 12 years old will benefit from an introduction to Grafitti on Saturday, December 18 between 3:30 and 5 pm before giving free rein to their imagination. Their performances will be broadcast live on the social networks Wecasablanca.
Casamouja Street TOUR
From December 17 to 19, free guided tours will be organized from Rachidi Square for the benefit of public-school students, journalists, associations.
The guided tour will crisscross the Casablanca neighborhoods to discover or rediscover the frescoes that adorn the walls of Casablanca.
Stay tuned on Wecasablanca social networks to not miss anything of this 6th edition of Casamouja!
From November 20 to December 30, 2020
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Casablanca Events and Animation organizes the 5th edition of Casamouja by Wecasablanca from November 20 to December 30, 2020.
This initiative of the local development company Casablanca Events and Animation translates its ambition to democratize art and culture in the public space as well as street embellishment thanks to artists' creativity which every year amaze the local inhabitants and inject new dynamics into Casablanca's neighborhoods.
In 2020, Casablanca Events and Animation organizes a 100% Moroccan edition that will be held in all the Casablanca prefectures under the theme :
"Hope, Citizenship and Pride of Belonging"
- Hope : In these times of health crisis we would like to to bring a hopeful voice to Casaouis daily lives through inspiring artworks.
- Citizenship and Pride of Belonging: Morocco's response to the spread of the Coronavirus has been hailed around the world. Under the High Instructions of His Majesty, a strategic plan has been implemented and solidarity initiatives have sprung up throughout the Kingdom. We would like to pay tribute to the local players who participate every day in the fight against this virus.
In addition to the production of mural paintings, Casamouja's program for this edition also offers virtual workshops and a webinar broadcast on the Wecasablanca social networks.
Indeed, the Casamouja school workshops will be open to all and aim to promote the transmission of know-how between artists and street art lovers. Concerning the webinar, organized under the theme "street art in Morocco", it will gather project leaders at the national level to exchange on their respective experiences during the pandemic and best practices to encourage synergies between the various actors.
Casamouja’s project is part of the Wecasablanca attractiveness strategy that emphasis, since its launch, on the cultural component. In 2020, after the Music Festival’s broadcast live in June and concerts celebrating Wecasablanca’s 4th anniversary in October and November, the 5th edition of Casamouja offers Casablanca, by the end of this year, a chance to put on its most beautiful colors.
Impro'Ciné - Monthly appointment at the villa des arts
29 November 2018
Impro'Ciné - Monthly appointment at the villa des arts
Impro'Ciné ? Et si nous revisitions ensemble le cinéma avec la liberté infinie de l'improvisation ? Et si Star Wars avait été réalisé avec un budget de 4€ ? Et si les films Nouvelle vague étaient en fait hilarants ? Et si les détectives des films noirs des années 60 n'avaient pas le droit de fumer ? Et si les films d'action se déroulaient dans 3m² ? Autant de possibilités que les comédiens vous feront vivre ! Grâce à vos suggestions inspirées et des contraintes cinématographiques farfelues, les comédiens improviseront des saynètes survoltées et vous offriront en apothéose des doublages (improvisés eux-aussi si, si, on vous jure !) de films oubliés, qui du coup redeviendront mémorables. "Votre mission si vous l'acceptez... Donner des thèmes décalés, choisir un James Bond, remettre la palme d'or, désigner le con que l'on invitera à dîner, imposer des phrases cultes, des accents, des objets...." Concept inédit de la compagnie Bulle Carrée Adaptation : Compagnie S'toon Zoo - Ligue Marocaine d'Improvisation Théâtrale Direction Artistique : Youssef ELMORTAJI Heure : 20h30 Tickets : 50 Dhs à récupérer sur place Places limitées Pour plus d'info veuillez nous contacter sur: 06 79 29 66 29
Arab World Short Film Festival Educational Casablanca
22 December 2018
Arab World Short Film Festival Educational Casablanca
Le Festival Du Monde Arabe du Court Métrage Éducatif de Casablanca, c'est d'abord un festival de cinéma avec sa sélection de courts et sa programmation, qui permet des rencontres avec des réalisateur, des producteurs et des acteurs du monde de l'éducation au sens le plus large. Les courts métrages proposés racontent des histoires d'éducation, qui font écho à nos préoccupations les plus actuelles. Ils nous montrent, à partir d'une action organisée et intentionnelle, d'un événement ou d'une rencontre, des parcours de vie choisis ou subis, des situations de transmission, d'initiation ou d'apprentissage, des périodes de ruptures, dans un cheminement qui transforme un ou des personnages et fait qu'ils ne sont plus les mêmes à la fin. Les courts métrages éducatifs peuvent concerner, entre autres: l'enfance, l'adolescence, les mondes de la famille, du travail, de l'école, de l'insertion sociale et professionnelle, du handicap, du sport, des loisirs, la mixité, la diversité sociale et culturelle, toute forme de situation mettant en jeu le vivre ensemble, l'autorité la transmission.... Au programme de ce festival figurent des tables-rondes sur différentes thématiques en rapport avec l'éducation, des projections des courts métrages éducatifs et des ateliers sur les techniques de prise de vue , direction d'acteur et écriture de scénario. Abbari Abdellah (Président de l'association Manar El Hank des arts) et Directeur du Festival du Monde Arabe du Court Métrage Éducatif Casablanca
Conference: Building a Champion Mind!
20 December 2018
Conference: Building a Champion Mind!
Organisé par l'association pour le Progrès des Dirigeants, APD Maroc - Hyatt Regency Casablanca